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2010-10-25 09:36:35http://www.51gaoxiao.com阳光高考网

  英语阅读理解能力的高低是高考考生英语水平的综合反映, 决定了高考考生能否在英语高考中获得高分。因为英语阅读材料涉及到自然科学和社会科学的各个领域。考生必须在平时的学习中不断积累各学科的知识,培养推理、判断、分析、计算等能力。本文就以英语阅读理解中的计算题来谈谈综合计算能力在英语阅读中的作用。

  例一: Postage charges for overseas mail from China will go up by about 50 percent from May 10. That means the postage for an air-mailed letter weighing no more than 10 grams will rise from the present 1.10 yuan to 1.60 yuan, while the cost for an air-mailed postcard will go up from the present 90 fen to 1.30 yuan . The charge for a letter weighing no more than 20 grams sent by rail or sea will be 1.20 yuan, instead of the current 80 fen, said Tang Huijuan, an official of Post and Telecommunications. The postage charges for mail to Hong Kong stay the same.(China Daily, Thurs. April 28,1988)

  Question: The postage charges for each air-mailed letter, air-mailed postcard and rail-mailed letter will go up respectively by a, b and c. Then we know proportionally____.

  A. a>b>c B. c>a>b C. c>aa

  根据文中所述,航空信资费由原来的1.10 元提高到1.60元,因此上涨的幅度a=(1.60-1.10)÷1.10=45%; 同理可得出,航空明信片的上涨幅度b=(1.30-0.90)÷0.90=44% ; 平信的上涨幅度c =(1.20-0.80)÷0.80=50%。故正确答案应为选项B“c>a>b”。

  例二:Have you ever wondered why the pull of gravitation on the moon is only 1/6 of the pull on the earth? Here is a reason. When the mass is less, gravitation is less. The moon has less mass than the earth. Since the moon has much less mass than the earth, it has much less gravitational force than the earth.

  Question: An astronaut, who weighed 30 pounds on the moon, is back on earth and now weighs 165 pounds. How much weight did he lose during his flight back to the earth?

  A. 115 pounds

  B. 2.5 pounds

  C. 30 pounds

  D. 15 pounds

  已知同一物体在月球表面的引力只是地球表面引力的六分之一, 宇航员在月球上的重量为30磅,回到地球后重165磅, 因此宇航员失去的体重就是:

  30 -165=15(磅), 故选择D。

  例三:Signals sent by satellites travel at the speed of ______.

  A. 1.08×10 km/h

  B. 108×10 km/h

  本题考查卫星传送的信号的速度,我们知道电磁波在真空中的传播速度就是光速3×10 m/s,把它转换成1.08×10 km/h,故选择B。

  已知贸易出口额平均每年增加6%, 1998年贸易总额为1,792million,那么1950年的贸易总额应为:

  1792÷(1+6%) =109million, 故选择A。


  众所周知, 英语阅读涉及的学科总类很多,内容非常广泛,不仅包括了物理、化学、生物、历史、地理、经济、政治、空间技术、艺术等学科知识,还包括了当今世界所发生的重大事件。这就要求考生必须具备丰富的知识、较高的英语阅读水平和较强的综合计算能力。

  在解答计算题时, 首先要理解文中或题中所给出的条件,然后根据相关的计算方法(计算公式)来求出相关数据,选择正确的答案。由此可见, 综合计算能力在英语阅读中也具有一定的作用。